Blade review by Tim Gillespie (SpinBlock Member):

I’m around a 1650 player who prefers inverted “normal” offensive rubber (that is, no pips, no anti-spin). I am trying to play mostly a topspin game and I’m trying to stay closer to the table, though my default tends to be too much pushing and backing up from the table.

Joola FeverI had been using an Aruna with a flared handle, Rhyzer 45 (forehand) and Victas V215 (backhand). I preferred the flared handle because I often hold the paddle loosely, and the flare helped me maintain control. But I have been strongly encouraged to hold the paddle more tightly. But this tighter grip makes me feel like the middle of the handle isn’t so comfortable next to my palm. Some tape helped, but I was open to new ideas.

So now I am using a Joola Fever with an anatomic handle. I am now more comfortable with a tighter grip as the anatomic handle fits more comfortably into my palm. I’m using Rhyzer Pro 50 (forehand) and Rhyzer Pro 45 (backhand), which accommodates my effort to stay closer to the table and use more topspin. But it feels like a comfortable setup whether I’m playing close or back, whether I’m looping, lobbing, or pushing. I also notice that the anatomic handle makes my backhand drive feel more comfortable (the looser grip with the Aruna flared handle never felt like I was in control).

So I’m sticking with this setup for now.